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Dear Member & Guests:

Danzante Bay community and golf course, prides itself to be a fully sustainable development. Our wonderful location requires conscientious steps and protocols for the environment. Danzante Bay makes potable water from the sea using desalination, which cleans the used water at our treatment plant that exceeds the requirements provided by the federal environmental agency.

During these last summer months, the region experienced a combination of extreme heat and a large hurricane as never before.

Our beloved golf course felt the impact immediately, even with the strong materials used in the construction, making damage to the fairway and rough areas. Fortunately, we have kept the tees and greens in excellent condition and over the next several months, we are committed to restore the course to its original condition.

This restoration process involves reseeding fairways and rough on many of the holes. While all 18 holes will be open, at times, we may turn some of the par 4’s into par 3’s so we can allow the new seed to germinate and become healthy while at the same time allowing golfers to experience the greens on those holes.

The desalination plant system has also been upgraded to ensure it will produce enough water with the correct quality as needed.

Our agronomy engineers are working extensively to bring the course back in perfect TPC quality condition as soon as possible. Equally important, we have adjusted the processes to the new environmental challenges, so this situation may never happen again. Because of the maintenance procedures now taking place, if a member or resort guest would like to play golf between now and Dec 31, 2023, we will offer a 50% discount off our normal golf rate.

We will provide a monthly update on our web and social media to keep our members and guests informed on our progress.

Thank you for your understanding.