Some vacations are meant for days full of sightseeing, tours, and adventures, but too often, travelers return from these trips feeling more tired than when they left. For a vacation that’s truly relaxing and restorative, make intentional choices to invest in your wellbeing. From the moment you wake up until you go to bed, using these self care vacation ideas will relieve stress from your body and mind, leaving you well rested and ready for whatever lies ahead. 

1. Begin Your Day with Movement

On a self care vacation, start each day off on the right foot with intentional movement. However, this doesn’t mean you have to strain yourself with hours in the gym. Talk a walk along the beach, practice yoga, or paddleboard on the water. The goal isn’t necessarily to work up a sweat but rather to get your blood flowing and stretch your muscles.

2. Fuel Your Body

To enjoy all the experiences of a self care vacation, you’ll want to fuel your body with healthy and balanced meals. Rather than overindulging in greasy tacos and too many beers that will leave you bloated, eat a balance of fresh seafood, hearty salads, and authentic local dishes. While you’ll want to enjoy a few extra treats and cocktails on vacation, remember to balance it out with tropical fruits and fresh greens.

3. Practice Mindfulness

As you take care of your body, don’t forget about your mind. Mindfulness is a term that’s used a lot, and it simply means being aware of your thoughts. Many people tune into their inner world through meditation and breathing exercises, but journaling or taking a slow walk on the beach can also give you the chance to reflect and refocus your mind. Make these a daily practice on vacation, and it’ll easily become a lifelong habit.

4. Try Something New

Focusing on relaxing and healing your body and mind doesn’t mean you can’t have a new adventure. Exploring your natural surroundings and diving into the local culture can broaden your horizon and recharge your energy. Take a cooking class, go ziplining, or learn how to scuba dive, and enjoy the experience of doing something out of the ordinary. You might just discover a new hobby or passion.

5. Discover Healing at the Spa

Spa treatments aren’t just a frivolous way to pass the day. Based on traditional healing practices and modern innovation, the right treatment can ease away stress, improve your circulation, reduce soreness, and moisturize your skin. Plan ahead with the spa to find the right treatments for your body, and the tranquility of the spa and the aromatherapy of the oils will also calm your spirit.

6. Get Plenty of Sleep

Unlike other vacations, you won’t be staying out late at bars or sleeping until lunch. One of the best self care vacation ideas is to establish a healthy sleep schedule. At the end of the day, start to wind down with a good book or mindfulness practice, and after a full night’s sleep, you’ll wake up ready for a day of self care. Getting a good night’s rest will make returning to your daily routine a little easier.

7. Put Your Phone Away

It’s hard to focus on self care when you’re distracted by work emails and social media. By putting your phone away, you’ll be able to live fully in the present, and lessening your reliance on technology is an important practice that can carry over to your daily life. Without the distraction of technology, you’ll notice the beauty surrounding you as you feel focused on all the activities of your self care vacation. 

These self care vacation ideas can be practiced anywhere in the world and can easily transfer over into your daily life. Establishing healthy routines and practices during your trip will restore your energy and make going home even better. Rather than exhausting yourself with sightseeing tours, invest in your wellbeing with these simple and intentional choices.

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